Thursday, February 12, 2009

Eating styles

We had a great time eating lunch at Siho a Chinese Restaurant owned by Jack's cousin.  Jack ordered ramen and is eating the egg.  
Andy is doing the typical Japanese bend over slurp.

Waka would rather bring the bowl up to her mouth!
Japanese tend to not take the last of anything on the plate.  That doesn't stop Jon!  He did do the typical American polite question of, "Anybody else want this? No, Okay, can't let it go to waste".
Leepy enjoyed his tastes from everyone.  His mom kept his little dish with some yummies for him.  His name is not Leepy but that is what we call him.  I was telling his parents that I can easily remember his name since my father is Lee and Pee is kind of easy to remember!  They said then I should call him Lee chan.  But then I told them that Leepy is kind of nice as it also means someone who can jump high as they are running!  He is a treasure of a kid and I'm proud to call him another grandchild.  His parents are classmates of Andy and Waka.


Anonymous said...

Everything looks so wonderful Viki!!!! I just realized I was spelling your name wrong.. eek.

Viki in Chiba said...

Don't worry as my name is actually victoria and I was vicki growing up. It was in college I changed to viki to be different and just kept it that way!