Monday, March 31, 2008

Japanese Motel

Here is the outside of the motel.  Notice you can not see into the windows.  This one is built on a hill and we had to park outside since our van had a roof carrier.  The usual parking is to drive into that hole and then they have hidden parking. (for small cars)
Here the price is advertised outside the entrance.  However the tax is added and also extra charge for weekend and a higher class room.  Actually it was quite reasonable compared to the cost of staying at the regular hot springs hotel...less than 1/2.

Here is the inside of the window!  Looks sunny outside but that is only a solid blue shade that is impossible to see out of.  The windows open but then there is another iron bars with plastic shades that don't let anyone see in or out.  Yes that is a slot machine beside the window and no we didn't play it.  By the second night DH learned how to shut off the light that shown out in many least it was silent!  There was music piped into the rooms that we finally figured out how to turn down to no sound, but never saw a turn off button.  More tomorrow!

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