In my pool I have 6 of these fish. No one can tell me for sure what they are. My student who is great with animals says they are not medeka as they are too big and not guppy as they are laying eggs and guppies do live birth.
Here you can see the eggs under the belly.
Below are the eggs. Many have hatched now and we have so many little ones about the size of an eyelash.
I wonder if it is fuku, I think they are called. Koi. We too had a similar situation-without the eggs-and the fish grew and grew and grew We released it in a local protected lake where there were humungous sized similar looking fish, I mean hUge. Our fish was starting to get quite vigorous and stressed at the smallness of our fish bowl, thats when I realized it wasnt a medaka. It looks awfully similar :D I'll take any extra babies though!
I think these are fake medaka, but not koi as they never grow larger. We got the original 6 larger ones from DH cousin and they haven't grown and he has had same for years. He also has koi and they do grow.
If you want to come fishing, you're welcome to take some babies!
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