One of the pleasures of the showing is the chance to meet up with some of my old friends. Above is a lovely lady who I met 30 years ago in California when we were both young and had young boys. Now all 4 of our boys are grown and surprisingly her oldest son lives very near my oldest so maybe we'll get together in Kamakura?

These 2 lovely ladies are also from long back when I first came to Japan. The mother was one of my first English students and the daughter was an exchange student over in NY. Now her daughter is in medical school. Also the mother and her husband who passed away several years ago were our witnesses for our wedding in Tokyo Embassy 33 years ago. Here they are looking at my grandbaby brag photos.

2 of the Macha tea ceremony bowls up close. The one below had 2 people wanting to buy it.

Of course my favorite visitors are always my children.