At the Yokoi cave resort area they had this flower ! So huge and such a gorgeous center.
During a squall we took refuge under this shelter which was part of the tourist area.
Our dog guide was more interested in chasing the ducks than guiding us over to the cave.
The above sign was in the cable car! Thought it rather funny as who would dump outside? (in my family's part of the world to dump means to do a big poop.!)
A clearer description of how Yokoi lived.
This is so cool Viki. Did you see it on a tour or did you find it by yourself? I've been to Guam a few times and have seen the exhibition about the soldier in one of the malls a couple of times, but never the cave area.
I can't imagine what that poor man went through living by himself all those years.
I don't know why we found this place. I think it was on the map from the car rental place and then since we had half a day and it was not too far off the main trail we visited it. But it is not near the city or beaches. Hopefully one of my boys will be stationed in Guam someday and we can spend more time???
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