Here we are playing Train to Mexico. I was not winning at this time. Anyone wanting the rules google Domino games and you can find out how to play. But add our new rules for more fun. First we make it a law that you can not play on your own double. This messes up the next players own train more as every double means another mess up for the following person. The real rules let you play on your own double and that means most doubles go on your own train so the game takes less thinking. Then I like the changeable seating each time as it keeps one person from always being stuck behind a "dirty" player (like my brother) who always plays to mess people up rather than to win himself. Also it gives the lowest score person a chance to pick the leading double and thus he won't have to be one of the first to draw the extra domino to start his private train. However a record is kept and the same double can not be started again in the same game, so the choice becomes less with each start. The first seating is determined by a random draw and seating is from high to low points on the drawed domino.
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