No, we don't have a new puppy. This precious little sweet dashund/chuwawa mix belongs to my friend. Nice to have a puppy near but not be responsible for the shots, piddles, etc.
Every year we have swallows who make their nest in/on our garage. This year we had 5 babies. The heat got one and we had 4 left. Jack saw one had slipped out and he was putting it back into the nest when the whole nest tumbled to the ground and the babies all flew away! But flew back to the side roof to wait for feedings as they were still too little to go it alone. Now they just come back in the mornings to do whatever it is swallows do--hopefully having a breakfast of mosquitos.
Nest on the ground/babies plus some friends on the roof.
Babies in the nest before it fell. These of course are all backwards in sequence.