Since I started the family line, I'll explain how far back to Aaron Stark. Salona Stark was my great grandmother, her father was Morgan Stark (1801), his father was Morgan Stark(1775), his father was Nathan Stark (1713), his father was Daniel Stark (1699), his father was William Stark (1665), his father was Aaron Stark(1608 in Scotland), his father was Aaron Stark (1582? in Scotland). Aaron Stark (probably the second Aaron) came to USA maybe as a political or other undersirable character in Scotland and often got in trouble with the law. His antics were recorded frequently in historic records. He married Sarah and after that seemed to settle down. Edwin Arlington Robinson, a Main poet who lived during the late 19th century must have read about his antics because he wrote the following poem which he included in his book CHILREN OF THE NIGHT:
Aaron Stark
Withal a meagre man was Aaron Stark
Cursed and unkempt, shrewd, shrivelled and morose.
A miser was he, with a miser's nose,
And eyes like little dollars in the dark.
His thin pinched mouth was nothing but a mark:
And when he spoke there came like sullen blows
Through scattered fangs a few snarled words and close,
As if a cur were chary of its bark.
Glad for the murmur of his hard renown,
Year after year he shambled through the town,
A loveless exile moving with a staff:
And oftentimes there crept into his ears
A sound of alien pity, touched with tears,
And then (and only then) did Aaron laugh.